Curated Word List
Phobia Word List and Definitions
Phobia Word List and Definitions
Phobia Quick Index
and Plant Life Phobias
(green) Phobias
and Drink Phobias
Physiological, and Anatomical Phobias
(including elemental) Phobias
Animal and Plant Life Phobias
- zoophobia - fear of animals
- bacteriophobia, microphobia - fear of bacteria
- apiphobia, melissophobia - fear of bees
- ornithophobia - fear of birds
- ailurophobia, gatophobia - fear of cats
- alektorophobia - fear of chickens
- cynophobia - fear of dogs
- pteronophobia - fear of feathers
- ichthyophobia - fear of fish
- anthophobia - fear of flowers
- doraphobia - fear of fur
- hipphobia - fear of horses
- entomophobia - fear of insects
- phyllophobia - fear of leaves
- pediculophobia - fear of lice
- musophobia - fear of mice
- bacilliphobia - fear of microbes
- parasitophobia - fear of parasites
- batrachophobia - fear of reptiles
- ophidiophobia, ophiophobia - fear of snakes
- arachnophobia - fear of spiders
- dendrophobia - fear of treas
- helminthophobia - fear of worms
- auroraphobia - fear of auroral lighs
- nephophobia - fear of clouds
- hygrophobia - fear of dampness, moisture
- homichlophobia - fear of fog
- cryophobia - fear of ice and/or frost
- limnophobia - fear of lakes
- astraphobia - fear of lightning
- meteorophobia - fear of meteors
- cremnophobia - fear of precipices
- ombrophobia - fear of rain
- potamophobia - fear of rivers
- thalassophobia - fear of the sea
- chionophobia - fear of snow
- siderophobia - fear of stars
- heliophobia - fear of the sun
- brontophobia, keraunophobia - fear of thunder
- hydrophobia - fear of water
- ancraophobia - fear of wind
- potophobia - alcohol
- dipsophobia - drinking
- phagophobia - eating
- sitophobia - food
- carnophobia - meat
Health, Physiological, and Anatomical Phobias
- pogonophobia - beards
- hematophobia - blood
- cancerophobia (also carcinophobia) - cancer
- tocophobia - childbirth
- cholerophobia - cholera
- necrophobia - death and corpses
- dysmorphophobia - deformity
- nosophobia (see also pathophobia) - disease
- pharmacophobia - drugs
- ommatophobia - eyes
- coprophobia - feces
- chaetophobia - hair
- cardiophobia - heart conditions
- patroiophobia - heredity
- nosemahobia - illness
- mysophobia - infection
- trypanophobia - innoculations and/or injections
- lyssophobia (see also maniaphobia) - insanity
- genuphobia - knees
- leprophobia - leprosy
- psychophobia - mind
- erotophobia - physical love
- toxiphobia - poison
- genophobia - sex
- coitophobia - sexual intercourse
- dermatophobia - skin
- dermatosiophobia - skin disease
- ergasiophobia - surgical operations
- syphilophobia - sythilis
- odontophobia - teeth
- tuberculosis - phthisiopobia
- cypridophobia - venereal disease
- emetophobia - vomiting
- traumatophobia - wounds and/or injury